Knit Together

Let one who wants to move and convince others, first be convinced and moved themselves. If a person speaks with genuine earnestness the thoughts, the emotion and the actual condition of their own heart, others will listen because we all are knit together.
--Thomas Carlyle

Friday, August 25, 2006

The New Homemaker

I've discovered a new blog and resource portal that will become a staple of my reading: The New Homemaker. I was doing research on the origin of "Susie Homemaker" (which I've not yet found because I wandered off into this new discovery). From the About page:
Who is the New Homemaker? She is the person who has discovered that having both partners in the work world is not "having it all." Children, elders and the community have been sacrificed for two generations to the crazy notion that households can run themselves. Well, they can't, and never have. Working parents have struggled valiantly to "have it all," but are increasingly saying "we've had enough"; someone has to be home. Even single parents are exploring ways to spend more time at home and less at work, or to work at home.

Unexpectedly at home, the New Homemaker now finds herself completely unprepared to run that household, with few resources to turn to. Skills and knowledge housekeepers took for granted for centuries have been lost in just 50 years' time. Traditional women's magazines are filled not with solid homemaking advice and resources, but with diets, celebrity interviews, horoscopes, romance quizzes, career advice, fashion spreads and the like. Where help is available it's frequently packaged with religious advice that may be appropriate for some women but hardly all, or even most.

I could print the entire manifesto here, but I won't. You should read it, however. It speaks sense.


  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger Stefaneener said…

    Cool. I used to write for that site, and it was a great one to write for. I'm not sure how active it is now, but great stuff.

  • At 8:03 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    Love this post.
    kate sanford -


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